利戴工业技术服务 利戴是制造业的服务专家。从规划到维护、现代化和数字化,客户的工厂及其基础设施是我们所有服务的核心。我们的任务多种多样,就像我们的员工一样。我们的员工凭借专业知识和对技术的热爱,出色地完成任务。遍布全球四大洲 350 多个地点,22,000 多名不同个性的员工在努力确保客户的生产流程顺利进行。我们为此感到自豪! 利戴工业技术服务(上海)有限公司 在中国20多个城市,40多个服务基地为汽车动力总成厂,整车厂及零部件制造厂提供一体化工业技术服务。服务范围涵盖生产计划与优化,自动化整体解决方案,生产IT,电气&机械安装调试,搬迁服务,技术设施管理,基础设施管理,厂内物流,生产设备管理,技术清洁等各个方面。几十年来,我们为汽车行业及其供应商提供技术服务,从中系统地积累了各项专业知识,同时学以致用,无论您的生产设备在哪里,都以推动您的流程进展为目标。我们与您一起开发创新的现场服务来确保并加强您的核心竞争力,助您领先。 Leadec Industrial Service Leadec is the service specialist in the manufacturing industry. The customers’ factories and their infrastructure are at the core of all our services – from planning to maintenance, modernization, and digitalization. Our tasks are as varied as the people who work for us. People who get things done – with expertise and a love of technology. Because at over 350 sites across four continents, more than 22,000 different personalities strive to ensure that our customers’ production processes run smoothly. We are proud of that! About Leadec Industrial Services China Is one of the global leading industrial services suppliers. Serve automotive manufacturers and suppliers at 40+ different locations in 20+ cities around China. Leadec Industrial Services provides customized and fully integrated industrial solutions, including production planning and optimization, total automation solutions, production IT, electrical & mechanical installation, relocation, technical facility management, infrastructure management, in-plant logistics, production equipment management, technical cleaning etc.